Posts in Image processing

Is adapting new digital technology and visual communication becoming a game changer at museums?

09 August 2021

The COVID-19 pandemic has forced museums to get creative relatively quickly, developing virtual tours and more programming that is accessible from home - engaging individuals far and wide.

Museums are moving towards a preference for visually appealing content versus pages of text, which just doesn’t grab the consumer’s attention the way short videos, virtual tours and image-heavy content can. Imagery of the museum’s exhibitions and events is used to encourage more visitors and donors to support the mission.

How to choose the right DAM-service for Your MediaBank and add real value to Your business?

02 July 2021

Ever wondered with where to start in searching for a DAM system suited for your needs only? It can be a daunting task to review all tools as there are many DAM solutions out there.

DAM may serve many roles, but what about my needs?

In today's fast-paced business environment, Digital Asset Management (DAM) serves many roles, from traditional marketing use cases to being positioned at the center of a complex enterprise-wide digital supply chain. 

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