ChatGPT, an alternate way of working for writers and content creators?

03 January 2023

It comes without saying, content creation costs money. A well researched post can take hours of time when you include the research, production, choice of images, and the writing and editing of the post. These costs will vary depending on the content.

A notable cost is involved in producing high quality, unique content on a regular basis. And yet organisations staff costs of producing content are often lost. 

So why not utilise generative AI tools like Open AI:s ChatGPT to get basic information for articles and blogs and then simply curate and repurpose the content. After all it all comes down to ROI and speed of content production. With the help of AI tools like ChatGPT writers, designers, researchers and any person  can generate high-quality, original content faster and more efficiently than ever before.

Utilising ChatGPT in content creation is an alternate way of working in 2023:

Here are some ideas: Simply provide ChatGPT with a prompt and it will generate responses that continue the conversation or expand on the given prompt. Make your questions as specific as possible.

  • Don't just ask 1 question.
  • Make the respond relevant to your audience.
  • Edit your question 5 times.

We asked ChatGPT these following out of the head, random, simple questions around the topic of benefits of using a media bank, often referred to as DAM, Digital Asset Management. This topic was chosen because we can easily validate the quality of its respond. 

  • Why are media banks useful?
  • Could you make them sound even more appealing?
  • Give me a one sentence sales pitch of media banks
  • Make it sound like its a necessity
  • Make it more succinct

The respond we got is presented in the following article: Benefits of using a media bank

The article was 100% written by the OpenAI ChatGPT in seconds as the respond to the prompt regarding benefits of using a media bank. The content is absolutely valid, but should always be checked to fit the channels and audience needed.

What is ChatGPT?

It is a powerful artificial intelligence tool that can generate human-like text. ChatGPT  can provide detailed and informative responses to certain types of questions. With ChatGPT, you can create engaging and realistic conversations. You can also use it to generate article, story, assignments, coding and ... And the beaty is that ChatGPT writes execeptionally well in odd languages like Finnish too.

ChatGPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) is built of large language models, and is fine-tuned with both supervised and reinforcement learning techniques meaning the model is trained using Reinforcement Learning with Human Feedback. Large language models (LLM) are massive neural networks that can generate human-like text, from poetry to programming code. Trained using internet data, these machine-learning models take a small bit of input text and then predict the text that is likely to come next. 

It uses machine learning algorithms and natural language processing (NLP) technology to understand and respond to human input in a natural and conversational manner. But that’s not all these models can do. Large language models (LLM) like GPT-3  can even learn a new task from just a few examples, called in-context learning, without the need for any new training data. There is no need for going "all-in" by finetuning model with thousands of new prompts. This will make AI more available to any company, without need for big investments to teaching the AI. 

An efficiant content production process and workflow

It will get easier than ever to communicate a great story all while freeing yourself of writer's block! ChatGPT and other AI technologies can provide a wealth of information on a wide range of topics. These AI technologies should be used to supplement and assist human content creators, allowing them to work more efficiently and effectively.

Content generated by ChatGPT need to be curated by someone who knows the topics. This makes the content unique for different audiences. Re-purposing the content help you produce more content in various forms like for a blog, an article or even for email. 

ChatGPT is still in development and can produce "politically biased, offensive, or otherwise objectionable" outputs. Bias is a real issue as information itself can be wrong. The output has ethical challenges. Obviously it would be great, if AI could deliver source information of the provided content.

Many of you have 1-3+ decades of content creation experience. You for sure like to think You know what You're doing. Maybe You don't trust people's content just like that and therefore you surely don't trust ChatGPT's output.

But this is not about letting ChatGPT do your work. This is about using it to get a base for 10x more content for Your own output. This will help you to generate content faster. Whether you're a professional writer or a content creator, learn how to use generative AI can help you stay ahead of the game.

Some probable ways to use generative AI-tools

AI like ChatGPT will have a big impact on anyones work. Use it as a titling tool for your blog and Linkedin posts. It may provide different, even better suggestions than the original title. Or just use it to edit your LinkedIn posts or run the post through ChatGPT, then edit and proof it before posting, therefore saving you valuable time and resources. ChatGPT is revolutionizing the way writers, designers, researchers and any person in the tech industry create high-quality, original content faster and more efficiently than ever before. 

PS. ChatGPT works great in coding and even math and can be utilized and integrated in many other applications making it even more attractive and efficient to use.

Another generative AI, the OpenAI image creation tool called DALLE-2, is revolutionizing the way visual content is created, saving hours of searches each week in small but meaningful ways. DALLE-2, has made it incredibly easy to generate high-quality images in seconds. Instead of spending 30 minutes scouring the web for usable imagery or waiting for a designer to create an image, you can simply type in a prompt and get four representations to choose from. This not only saves time, but also may even improve the quality of images in some cases.

DALL·E 2023 - Create an image of the techno hype of AI in a communicative manner.

As content creators, you need to at least explore these tools and see how they can help you work more efficiently and effectively.

Google vs ChatGPT

It is not necessarily the case that ChatGPT always provides more in-depth responses than "traditional" search engines like Google. Depending on the type of information being sought and the resources available, either type of tool can be useful for finding the information you need. 

It is important to consider that chatGPT is still limited in its capabilities and may not always be able to provide the depth and detail of information that a user is seeking. In these cases, search engines like Google may be a more effective resource. Soon Google will come out with its own Generative AI-version among others.

Manual content creation is not becoming obsolete in the near future

Of course manually created content are useful and relevant sources of information, even in an age where chatbots and other artificial intelligence (AI) technologies are available to provide information on a wide range of topics.

While chatbots and other AI technologies can generate basic content or assist with certain tasks, they are not yet able to fully replicate the creativity, nuance, and originality of human-generated content.

Examples In context:

  1. Personalized perspective: Blogs and Articles are often written by individuals who have a specific perspective or expertise on a given topic. This can provide a more personalized and nuanced view of a subject, as compared to the more general information provided by chatbots or other AI technologies.
  2. Engaging content: Manually created blogs and articles can be more engaging and interactive than other sources of information. Many blogs and articles allow readers to leave comments or ask questions, which can foster a sense of community and encourage further discussion and exploration of a topic.
  3. Up-to-date information: Blogs can be updated more frequently than other types of sources, which can make them a good source of current and timely information on a given topic.
  4. Niche topics: Manually created content can cover a wide range of topics, including niche or specialized subjects that may not be as well-represented in other sources of information.

Opportunities to next-gen marketers and communications professionals.

As AI continues to improve, more and more current jobs will be threatened by automation. This is a real threat. But keep in mind, that ChatGPT is not the one taking away your job, it is the one who utilizes technologies like ChatGPT. 

AI presents opportunities as well and will create new jobs and different kinds of organizations. AI will soon be good enough to take on more cognitive tasks which means humans need to adapt and accept much faster more content creation by AI and this content needs someone to approve the context and quality.

There is a shift in what content creators will be doing in the future, but utilizing the new technology sooner gives next-gen content creators a competitive edge. Actually there is a lot to learn for everyone, like how to utilize prompts to get the correct answer and then to judge the results. This is a new skill to learn, and it has a lot of potential for anybody in the future. Just think of how Google changed the way of thinking and how it has affected the whole world.

Content creation is best supported by managing media files in a media bank.

Anyways, ChatGPT comes to the same conclusion in this article as I have learned: Organisations using media banks tend to be more productive. This applies especially in departments like communications, marketing, or product related work. Employees using media banks are much more efficient and motivated than people working in an environment without a media bank. Check out how AI can be implemented in digital asset managment tomorrow.

Read our blog: Check out how AI assisted classification can help manage mediafiles better in digital asset management solutions.

As a leading service provider we offer expertise in digital asset management (DAM) and management of sophisticated solutions in a variety of business areas.   Communication Pro helps to build and customize DAM, that will get easy to use. 

Interested? Check out our DAM services here or book a online meeting here.

Author Rolf Koppatz

Rolf is the CEO and consultant at Communication Pro with long experience in DAMs, Managing Visual Files, Marketing Portals, Content Hubs and Computer Vision.

Contact me at  LinkedIn.