Posts in Marketing

1 Million Free Images For Office 365?

19 October 2021

Learn and see how at the DAM Helsinki 2021 media conference on Nov 10th.

Would you prefer to have access to over 1.000.000 images in your own Office 365, like Word, PowerPoint or Teams, environment? This is possible using an add-in media bank.  Interested? 

If you are a content creator, you’re probably on the lookout for free images and icons. Office 365 add-in bring this browsable and searchable collection to you for free. No money, no attribution needed, no copyright or creative commons to deal with. Want to find out more? Join the DAM Helsinki 2021 event on Nov 10th in Helsinki or virtually.

Team collaboration needs DAM capabilities

13 September 2021

Team collaboration with access to manage media assets is a better way for marketing and creative teams, especially in the hybrid workplace, the new normal for many of us during the pandemic.

How to manage accurate digital files and content within a company in a hybrid working environment?

02 August 2021

Images, videos and other digital assets are increasingly shaping the way organisations communicate. Digital assets are the lifeblood of business in the digital age, if you are not ready at a moments notice to discover, reuse repurpose and distribute these assets you are missing opportunity.

Digital asset management is experiencing a renaissance as marketing executives are faced with new challenges in managing the growing volume, diversity and speed of content assets.

How to choose the right DAM-service for Your MediaBank and add real value to Your business?

02 July 2021

Ever wondered with where to start in searching for a DAM system suited for your needs only? It can be a daunting task to review all tools as there are many DAM solutions out there.

DAM may serve many roles, but what about my needs?

In today's fast-paced business environment, Digital Asset Management (DAM) serves many roles, from traditional marketing use cases to being positioned at the center of a complex enterprise-wide digital supply chain. 

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